What does it really mean to achieve happiness? From my experience so far, I’ve found that the best way to achieve this is by finding these feelings in their purest and simplest forms. For me, there is no better example than a crackling fire away from the hustle and bustle of the city, where the stars shine so bright you can't even distinguish the difference between day and night. I’ve been around the outdoors more than most over my first twenty years on this earth and I’ve grown very appreciative of the nights where I get to do this. There was a night this summer in early August where I laid in the bed of a pickup truck listening to the dying flames of our once roaring fire while staring up into the night sky, unwilling to fall asleep. Never before had I been able to see the Big Dipper or Orion’s belt as clearly as I could in that moment. As I laid motionless in the heart of the Allegheny National Forest, I experienced a truly revitalizing moment. It wasn’t the s’mores or the company that made this night so special, but instead the pure beauty that surrounded me. When I was around ten or eleven, my Dad told me how important it was to find ways to be able to escape reality just like this. He said living life day by day without being at peace would not be a way that I would want to live. Now, I am starting to figure out what that actually means because I find myself thinking about nights like this one more and more often and just the thought of these nights soothes me more than anything else can. All it takes is the thought or mentioning of a s'more and my mind rushes to memories like this and immediately, I am thrust back into a state of bliss.
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