Wednesday, October 12, 2016

updated voiceover

Script for video voiceover:

I’ve never seen live carp in a bucket ready to be cooked.

I didn’t even know carp was a fish that people ate.

Deep Fried Carp, interesting.

This man seems very skilled, he is good with a knife and knows his way around the kitchen.

He has everything on hand and ready to go too. A quick trip outside and he has his chickens for dinner.

Oh, and it appears he has frogs to go along with that; delicious! I’ve never heard of a meal that resembles anything quite like this, especially where I’m from in Pittsburgh. Although in Pittsburgh, most people seem to stick to very simple dishes.

I’m not quite sure what the food is surrounded by the bok choy but it seems to be the most “American” or “untraditional” dish in my eyes that he has prepared.

I haven’t figured out if I am supposed to be disturbed or find this meal appetizing. Almost every image they show makes me lose my appetite!

This meal sure covers everything. We have fish, carp and squid, frogs, fresh vegetables from the garden, and chicken; as fresh as it comes too!

This man certainly seems to know what he is doing, ALMOST making me want to try what he has prepared!

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