Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Australian Teens Try American Cereal & Australians Try Australian-American Food

            This video came as a surprise to me; I honestly had no idea that our different varieties of cereal weren’t more widely known. In the video, the Australian teens were presented cap’n crunch, cookie crisp, trix, reeses puffs, lucky charms, and cinnamon toast crunch and not one of the kids had ever heard any a single one of these cereals. Similarly, the subjects in the second video were presented food in the same way, but instead, they were eating food from Outback Steakhouse.

            The kids were grouped together in twos and each given different cereals to try; I’d say the reactions were mixed. The consensus was that these cereals brought their idea of cereal to a whole new level, in both good and bad ways. Some of the kids said they had never tasted something so good and that they good eat the cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. While other reactions were not as high, some said that the cereal was just a fast track to diabetes. They may be on to something because I think they were given the most sugary cereals America has to offer. Particular reactions that stuck out to me was the girl’s reaction to Cookie Crisp. She said, “It’s just cookies in a bowl? Why am I eating cookies in a bowl for breakfast?” I’ve never been much in to cookie crisp so I had never thought about that but it’s true, why are we eating cookies for breakfast? Another great reaction came from the first cereal they tried, cap’n crunch. The guy said, “It’s like the cornflakes we had when we were younger, but instead of putting sugar on it like we did, you actually have to try to take sugar off, there is just too much.” Again, I’ve never been a huge fan of cap’n crunch but he pretty much hit the nail on the head with that one. I saw reactions very similar to this in the second video, however, maybe slightly more negative. The Australians didn't like most of the food and even the food they liked they were skeptical of saying it wasn't Australian at all.

            After watching the American cereal video, I can’t honestly say I relate to their reactions. I mean obviously I know these cereals are loaded with sugar, but still, I never had the same dumbfounded reaction most of them did when they tried the cereals for the first time. Maybe it was just because I was introduced to them at a younger age so they seemed normal to me, but either way, I hope we don’t choose to get rid of these cereals because they are great for a sweet snack every once in a while. For the Australians trying Outback video, I can say I have shared similar reactions. Being raised in a family that cooks authentic Italian dishes, I can very easily tell the difference between Olive Garden and a home cooked Italian meal.

Australian Teens Try American Cereal

1 comment:

  1. Grade: Check minus

    In the future, if you are asked to address two texts/videos, please make sure to somehow tie the two together or at least craft a better transition. Furthermore, more specificity would serve you well: when you write "similar reactions," be specific. Even if you only address the second video in a few sentences, I expect those sentences to fit into the larger post well, instead of simply being tacked on to the end of the post.
